Terrington churchyard gravestone inscriptions
Zone A | Zone B 1‑20 | Zone B 21‑41 | Zone C | Zone D | Zone E 1‑15 | Zone E 16‑30 | Zone F | Zone G | Zone H

F1 DAVID WATSON / died at Coneysthorpe / April 2 1859 / aged 71 / In 1806 he came into the service / of the 5th earl of Carlisle / (?to?) who and whose family (?he was?) / the most faithful (?servant?) / Also MARY WATSON wife of the above / died Feby 13th 1879 / aged 85 years /

F2 In memory / of / MARY ANNE GREEN of Welburn, / who departed this life / February 10th 1853, / Aged 33 Years / Also JAMES GREEN son / of the above who died / October 10th 1847, / Aged 3 Years /

F3 Suffer little children to come / unto me / In memory / of ?LEWIS HENRY? / son (?of HENRY OLDFIEL?)D / en(? ?) / of (?Coneysthorpe?) / who died / Aug(?ust 1874?) / aged (?16?) months / (?and?) / HENRY BURT / who died / Jan 1(?6?)th 1872 / aged 4 months / [Note: the entry in the parish registers originally gave the name as Henry Bort, but Bort was later crossed out and Burt inserted by Samuel Wimbush, who added a note in the margin: The name is said to be "Burt".]

F4 In memory [l.h column]of FRANCES / the wife of/ THOMAS OLDFIELD/ of Coneysthorpe / who died / August 12 1862/Aged 64 year / I sought rest every / where and I shall / abide in the / inheritance of / the Lord [r.h.column]of / THOMAS OLDFIELD / husband of the said / FRANCES OLDFIELD / who died / April 8th 1886 / aged 84 years. / also / JAMES OLDFIELD / son of the above / who died / March 15th 1881 / aged 49 years / and was interred / in Glasnevin / cemetery / Dublin

F5 In Affectionate Memory / JOHN CATTLEY / of / the Park House, Wiganthorpe / who died December 11th 1867 / aged five months /

F6 Sacred to the memory / of / ROBERT CATTLEY / of the Park, Wiganthorpe, / who died September 8th 1871, / in the 39th year / of his age. / "in the midst of life we are / in death" / Mason mark: /Fisher/ York

F7 In memory / of SARAH the beloved wife / of JOSEPH CARTER / of Castlehoward / who departed this life / March 11th 1860 / aged 72 years / Also in memory of / JOSEPH CARTER / who died June 22 1862 / aged 75 / He lived 50 years at / Castle Howard 35 of which / were spent in the service / of the 5th and 6th earls / of Carlisle the last of / whom he attended with / devoted care to the end / of his life /

F8 illegible

F9 In Affectionate Memory / of / WILLIAM MOORE / ( ) / ( ) / ( ) / ( ) / ( ) above / ( ) / (?William?) son of the above / who died ( ) / aged ( ) years / ( ) / ( ) / ( ) / ( ) / ( ) / Mason's mark: H.OLDFIELD

F10 Sacred to the memory / of / THOMAS BICKERS, / who departed this life Dec 13th 1819, / aged 77 years. / Also SARAH his wife, / who died 6th of June 1816, / aged 76 years. / Also MARY / daughter of the above, / who died September 17th 1837, / aged 72 years. / Also ROBERT / son of the above, / who died September 20th 1838, / aged 57 years. / Also ROBERT BICKERS, / grandson of the above THOMAS, / who died June 18th 1895, / aged 80 years / Asleep in Jesus /

F11 In / loving memory / of / THOMAS BICKERS, / who departed this life / August 3rd 1885, / aged 74 years. / "The memory of the just is blessed." / Mason mark: Atkinson / York

F12 In memory of / THOMAS (? BICKERS) / so ( ) / THOMAS ( ) / ( ) / of ( ) / who died ( ) / aged (1?)3 years. /
No picture
F13 (laid flat, no visible inscription)

F14 Sacred to the memory / of / MARY ELIZABETH, / the beloved wife of / FREDERICK SMITH, / who died Novb 5th 1871, / aged 23 years. / Also their infant child / aged 8 days. / Mason mark: H.Oldfield

F15 Sacred to the / memory of EDWARD MARLEY / of Terrington / formerly of Macneal / in the county of Durham / who died on the / 20 of December 1866 / aged 44 years. / [Note: in the 1861 census, Edward Marley was living at North Bedburn in Durham, as a farmer at the farm/estate named Mack Niel, given as Mackneal in the 1851 census.]

F16 Obscured by F17 In affectionate remembrance of / IHS / ANN / the beloved wife of / GEORGE JENNINGS, / late of Leavening, / who died the 22nd of / February 1876, / aged 77 years. / Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. / Also of GEORGE THOMAS, / the beloved son of / GEORGE & MARY-JANE JENNINGS / of Burythorpe, / who died June 15th 1877 / aged 8 years

F17 In ( ) [The rest is illegible]

F18 In memory of / REBECCA CARTER / eldest daughter of / WILLIAM and ANN CARTER / born March 16th 1870 / died at Terrington / February 15th 1865

F19 Sacred to the memory of / EDWARD MORTIMER / late of Birdsall / who died November 1st 1869 / aged 73 years. / Also / BETSY his wife / who died July 25th 1866 / aged 69 y(?ears?) / MARY [Stone broken/cut at this point
No picture
F20 Covered by F21

F21 In / memory / of / SARAH CARTER / second daughter of / WILLIAM and ANN / CARTER who died / February 28th 1874 / aged 81 years

F22 In memory of / DAVID MORTIMER / who died / April ( ) 1847 / aged 89 years / Also of / MARY, his wife / who died December 3rd 1853 / aged 74 years
Zone A | Zone B 1‑20 | Zone B 21‑41 | Zone C | Zone D | Zone E 1‑15 | Zone E 16‑30 | Zone F | Zone G | Zone H