Terrington churchyard gravestone inscriptions
Zone A | Zone B 1‑22 | Zone B 23‑44 | Zone C | Zone D | Zone E 1‑15 | Zone E 16‑30 | Zone F | Zone G | Zone H

D1 [on church wall] Sacred / to the memory of / GEORGE GREENWOOD, / who died August 31st 1855 / aged 58 years, / much and deservedly respected.

D2 [on church wall] to ( ) of / ( ) or of / ( remainder illegible)

D3 Erected / to the memory of / SARAH daughter of / JOHN and MARY DENISON, / who died April 8th 1848, / Aged 22 years. / In life beloved / and in death / lamented.

D4 In memory of / THOMAS LEEFE, / who departed this life / July 1st 1875, aged 83 years. / also of ANN his wife / who died June 19th 1876, / aged 82 years. / " Say ye to the righteous it / shall be well with them. " / [mason] Horton

D5 In loving memory of / JOHN ARMINSON / who died at the Hollies / Terrington, / 17th June 1894 / aged 76 years / [mason] Atkinson Walmgate, York

D6 In / affectionate remembrance of / HANNAH HARDY / of Terrington, / who died February 10th 1882. / aged 7(?0?) years / ( ) / [mason mark on side] Fisher / York

D7 In affectionate remembrance of / JANE HARDY / of Terrington / who died April (?8?)th (?1875?) / aged (?78?)

D8 In affectionate remembrance / of / ANN ARMINSON / of Terrington / widow of / the late ROBERT ARMINSON of Towthorpe / who died February ( ) 18( ) / aged (?85?)

D9 Sacred / to the memory / ( illegible )ved wife/ ( ? )wolds?

D10 In affectionate remembrance of / (?ROBERT LACY?) / of Terrington. / who died October 26th ( )61 / aged 68 years / ( reminder illegible ) / [mason] ( )

D11 Sacred / to the memory of / RICHARD ATKINSON, who lived / as a pattern to his successors, / and who died at Castle Howard Lodge, the 24th day of July 1825, / aged 80 years: / having, for nearly the space of / half a century, been in the / service of the Right Honourable FREDERICK the fourth, / Earl of Carlisle, / as Park-keeper. / also on 4th of October 1836 died / MARGARET widow to the above / in the 90th year of her age. / She retained her faculties to the last. [Note: Frederick was fifth Earl of Carlisle]

D12 JAMES ATKINSON / park keeper to the Earl of Carlisle / died Jan 22nd 1860 / aged 67 / CHARLES ATKINSON / died May 15th 1853 / aged 25 / EMILY ATKINSON / died November 25th 1856 / aged 25 / RICHARD ATKINSON / died May 29th 1861 / aged 28 / Also ANNIE wife of the above / JAMES ATKINSON / who died Jany 16th 1885 / age 78 years

D13 In remembrance / of / WILLIAM KITCHING, / of Mowthorpe, / who died May 9th 1890 / aged 45 years. / "Thy will be done

D14 In / loving memory / of / MARY ANA / the beloved wife of JOSEPH BALDWIN, / of Brandrith Farm / Bulmer. / who died March 11th 1890 / aged 48 years. / "In the midst of life we are in death."

D15 In / loving memory / of / JOHN BLAKEY / who died May 9th 1896. / also JANE / widow of the above / died July 13th 1899. / Grant them O Lord (reminder of inscription buried )

D16 Sacred / to the (?memory?) of / ROBERT DALTON / who died on the (?15th?) Nov: (?18 ?) / aged 65 years. / leaving behind him an (?imperishable?) / claim upon the gratitude (?love?) / and respect of his (?family?)

D17 In / affectionate remembrance of / JAMES RIPLEY. / who died / November 20th 1866. / aged 76 years / also ANN / the beloved wife of the above / who died August 26th 1886. / aged ( ) years / ( remainder illegible )

D18 In affectionate memory of / (?WILLIAM?) BLAKEY, / of Terrington, / who died ( ) (?29th?) 1892, / aged ( ) years, / and ( ) above, (?who? ) 1883, / ( ) / [mason] Thompson Kilburn

D19 Sacred / to the memory of / JOHN CATTLEY, / late Steward to Wm GARFORTH Esqr. / who died January 19th 1835, / aged 43 years.

D20 In loving memory of / FRANCIS RIPLEY, / of Terrington. / who died (?Nov? ) 1891, / aged (?79 years?) / The Lord also ( ) / oppressed are ( ) / and they that ( ) / trust in the ( ) / forsaken the ( )/ ( remainder illegible ) / [mason] H Oldfield / Malton

D21 In memory / of / JOHN HENDERSON, / of Terrington, / who died on the (?11?) December 1893, / aged (?58?) years, / Son of the late / JOHN HENDERSON who (?was?) for many years (?Estate?) Agent / at Castle Howard

D22 In loving memory / of / ROBERT DOBSON, / of Ganthorpe, / who died February 11th 1872, / aged 46 years. / also / BENJAMIN CROWE, / who died April 7th 1883. / aged 29 years. / also / MARY CROWE / who died July 31st 1883, / aged 27 years. / also / ELIZABETH MARGARET CROWE, / daughter of the above who died April 5th 1883, / aged 3 years. / and ELIZABETH , relict of the above, / ROBERT DOBSON, who died at Terrington, / August 23rd 1885 aged 64 years. / [mason] (?Brown?) & Oldfield Malton

D23 [Cross] [East face] ROBERT KING / born 28th February 1829 / died 27th March 1901. [South face] JAMES, son of / ROBERT & ELIZABETH KING, / born 4th June 1870, / died 15 May 1874. [West Face] ELIZABETH KING, / born 6th March 1833, / died 26th December 1887 [North Face] ROBERT, son of, / ROBERT & ELIZABETH KING, / born 3 October 1859, / died 6th June1861

D24 RICHARD SPRUCE died 20th May, 1851 / having been during upwards / of 40 years, Schoolmaster / on the Estate of the / Earl of Carlisle, / who put up this stone as / a memorial of the faithfull and / conscientious manner in which / he discharged the duties of / (?this responsible and honourable office?)

D25 RICHARD SPRUCE / traveller / and author of / many botanical works / born at Ganthorpe / Sept 10th 1817 / and died at Coneysthorpe Dec 28th 1893 / [mason] H Oldfield Malton
Zone A | Zone B 1‑22 | Zone B 23‑44 | Zone C | Zone D | Zone E 1‑15 | Zone E 16‑30 | Zone F | Zone G | Zone H