Terrington Arts

A community arts charity

TERRINGTON 2020 LAUNCH EVENT Sunday 9th February 2020

Turning out at the height of storm Ciara, over 80 people came along, from a few months old to 86 (or older?), newcomers to the village as well as lifelong residents. New acquaintances were made and there were lots of animated discussions over what we’d put into our displays. A number of people continued their conversations over the refreshments and cake, which also went down well.

On behalf of Terrington Arts, thanks to everyone who came along from Lesley Bradshaw, Gerry Bradshaw, Keith Adkins and Jane Hanstock.

For those of you who were away on the day here are a few photos.

We started off by showing all about the project.

Display showing proposed locations and content of the Interpretation Boards

There was lots to look at because the village has always had a strong community spirit and it has come together over the past 25 years to make plenty of things happen.

Display about recent events in the village
Display about recent events in the village
Display about recent events in the village
Display about recent events in the village
Display about recent events in the village
Display about recent events in the village
People looking at photos and other information about the village
People looking at photos and other information about the village
People looking at photos and other information about the village

Clues to our Quiz questions could be found in the displays so it was heads down.

We then took people on a time journey, back from the Millennium all the way to the 1700s when Terrington became a Castle Howard village.

We showed photos and maps and told you some of what our History groups had found out over the years but you told us, the organisers, so many more stories and filled in many more gaps.

Board with information about activities in the village from the 1960s onwards
Board with photos of the village in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s
Board with photos of the village around 1900
Board with information about the village in the 1700s when Castle Howard bought the estate

We had slideshows of the Millennium Photo collection of the whole parish, outside their homes, taken in 2000, and its predecessor, the Wimbush Photos, taken in 1933 by the then Rector, James Wimbush.

People looking at the slide shows and display boards
Computer showing James Wimbush's 1933 photos of everyone in the village in front of their houses
People looking at historical photos of the village
People looking at photos of recent events in the village
The historical photos of the village provoked a great deal of interest
An apparently intense discussion
An apparently intense discussion
An apparently intense discussion
An apparently intense discussion

You also told us what makes Terrington special, today. You told us it is a very welcoming village that still has that community spirit and a strong sense of history. You love the countryside and the walks on our doorstep. Many of you wouldn't live anywhere else.

People discussing what makes Terrington special
Board with post-it notes on which people had written about what makes Terrington special to them

One of our boards will be at the Village Hall and will show walks in the Parish. The Howardian Hills AONB is supportive of the Project and will be an excellent resource.

Posters about the Howardian Hills AONB
People looking at the displays

There’s much to see (and hear!) when out and about around Terrington.

Poster about the Howardian Hills Turtle Dove Project

Gerry, Lesley, Jane and Keith, signing out

Photograph of the 4 organisers

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